Saturday, July 28, 2012

La perte (French)

Il se laisse aller tout le temps..
Mon cœur, ce petit oui-oui soi-disant accommodé, admettant tout ce que lui propose la VDM.
Ni principes fixes, ni habitudes claires, et tout succombe dans l'abstrait..
Mais oui, esclave, qui ne cesse de répéter que "c'est la vie!"
La capricieuse me domine, usurpe mon âme, et je m'égare.
Dieu seul le sait jusqu'à quand je tiendrai le coup
Ai-je besoin de creuser encore pour révéler l'essence de mon existence?
ce que je veux? ce que je vaux?
Suis-je à la bonne direction? Qui suis-je?
Comment pourrais-je assoupir cet esprit?
Ai-je déjà besoin de le calmer? ou plutôt de le réveiller? sinon le guider?
La vie est une question dont on n'aura jamais la réponse.

_Richard Mo'

Monday, July 23, 2012

Agile (French)

" Suis-je un outil? Dois-je être assez vigile?

Sans eux, je me sentirais nul,..

Mais, entre eux, c'est pire, c'est débile

Naïveté délaissée au passé des cons

Vérité ignorée, maquillée sous les profits et les mobiles..

Seul, mon âme peut être en péril

Je me bat pour l’insignifiant, des raisons que je n'assimile.

Chui un rêveur en apesanteur, un martyr en exil.

Mélodie des misérables retentit dans ma p'tite bulle

Paradoxe imposé, vices amoncelés, sensations fragiles..

En une vie de mensonges, jouant la cartes des agiles..."

_Richard Mo'

Monday, July 2, 2012

#3 Forgiveness

".. Good guy thought that forgiving in order to fit in is his best way to satisfy his inner peace. Thus, what supported his nice tendency is the disease eating his head, the confusion he's still living but not understanding, yet. But suddenly, he's reached that point when enough is enough, where numbs and ingrates should be eliminated. Even though he'll stand by himself, he must know how to consider his family above all. Little swag boy has to suit up now, has to man up and bear the damn responsibilities.. "

_Richard Mo'

#2 Filtration

"Good guy preferred darkness of solitude over being with jerks. A man of his word, he stayed. He honestly told the fellows what he felt. But none of them assumed. And his trust, they betrayed. Thus, they mocked and played. Leaving him no choice, stupid mates. Well, the clan he left, no attention payed, smelling those salvation perfumes, sharping his blade. 
Good guy still not learning how to say 'No'. Still confusing between who's using him and who's a friend. According to him, dignity is a major issue. He wished if only he could filter the entourage, keep the magic pills and throw the damn parasites. Now, he has to either give them all away or deal with every case among the sick morons. He was familiar with the whole concept "Life's hard", but this is what bothered him the most."

_Richard Mo'

Sunday, July 1, 2012

#1 Struggling with mediocrity.

" Then the good guy took his epic decision. Well,.. retook it. It was always hard for him to isolate himself. However, facing those stupid folks with their insignificant attitudes.. this has been harder. He already suffered enough adapting with the normal people and now his friends? Hell with them. He said to himself: As long as the holy three are satisfied.. screw the rest. Good guy wasn't Christian. The holy three were his parents, and his soul. Anyway, he couldn't force himself to lower the level every time. And full of dignity; he got out. He finally realized;.. It's hard to be yourself in this place. It's really painful when mediocrity is everywhere around. Confused and frustrated, his soul was screaming:  
« Oh silly community, why should you suck that hard?! Is it me or is it you?.. Let's cut the Shakespearian shit, I tried a lot but that's it. I can't fit and it's definitely not my problem: I gotta try something new ». "

_Richard Mo'